Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Friend's father. According to watching the video and some other situations.

I've mentioned that bastard in my previous post. There's no good thing I could say about him.

Year 1998/99
First time I can remember that I met him when mother has invited some friends to the party in our flat. It was the same evening they were watching the video of me "rescuing dad" recorded the day before.
So it's how more or less it looked like:

When they were watching TV he sat next to me. He was whispering something in my ear and then put his hand on my thigh. Of course I knew it was bad so I suddenly got up and started to yelling at him. He just smiled with his pedophile smile and did nothing about it... so did my mom. Why the hell she didn't care that someone is touching her little daughter? Why the hell his wife didn't care?! I just escaped to my room and closed the door. I can't remember what happened next so probably I just fell asleep and that's all.
I only hope that he didn't do anything disgusting to his son (who is still one of my best friends), effin' pig.

It wasn't easy to avoid this bastard because they lived next to my door. But I've made it somehow for a couple of years. But happiness can't last forever.

6 years later
The other summer day his son visited me because we wanted to play some Counter Strike. We were playing a game, mother was sitting in her room, everything was cool. Then his father appeared. I must say that I'm a believer, so I forgave him what he has done and gave him another chance, thought that after a few years he seemed to change. So he just asked how it's going, we said it's ok. Although he looked different, unfortunately his behaviour didn't change. So when my friend went to the toilet he moved his head to mine and started licking my ear. I was like "what the hell is going on dude?!" and punched his face (as I said before, I was into martial arts, so I knew how I could defend myself). And he escaped from my flat.

15 years later
Apart from this insane issue, let's talk about his 2013/14 life.

In 2013 his wife discovered that he was cheating on her since a few years. She kicked him out from their flat, lost her weight (which was pretty high at that time) and found a new guy, then got pregnant with him.
You think that problem was solved? No way.
That insane guy started to stalk his ex wife and their son. Everynight he was throwing stones to their windows, he was knocking to the door all night long, he was following them everyday. He stopped to wash, stopped to change clothes and started to drink a lot.
Why am I talking in the past tense? Just because when he realized that everything is over and all he has is his money (yeah, he was rich). The nail in his coffin was that pregnancy. So in the beggining of 2014 he commited a suicide by hanging himself.
Think someone cried? No. Someone came to his funeral? No. That's all he deserved.

There's a lot bad things I could say about him but I don't like to waste my time on talking about trash.

By the way, this little baby was born a month ago and it's really cute!

Monday, 22 December 2014

"So it begins..." My first memory. 4/5 years old.

It was the winter of '98/99 (probably late '98 December or early '99 January). As a birthday gift I've received my 1st sledge. The other day I was awoken by mom and saw tons of snow behind the window. Fulfilled with happiness I woke my dad and asked if we could go out for sledding to the nearby area. /at that time my parents were still married so we lived together with my grandfather who died more than a year later/ As he agreed I immediately dressed up and we went to a little mountain which was situated pretty close to our flat. I've met other children at that place so my dad just sat down on a bench with my friend's father (I will write about this bastard too, but later) and I was enjoying time in the snow. When it started to getting dark I turned around and I saw that he was gone. I can't remember what I thought about but I decided to go back home before the night will come down. Thanks God it wasn't that far away so I could find the right way.

OK, I will not forget that view of my father when I've opened the door to my room. He was laying naked on my bed, totally drunk and pissed himself and my bed. I bet he has started to piss when he had his clothes on because they were all lying wet on my toys...
I started to cry but a few moments later I realized that I can't just lay and get hysterical like a little child (which I actually was). I took a towel and covered him, then turned him on his right side (I didn't want him to throttle with his own puke). I don't know if it's a shame for me, my dad or himself that my grandfather was recording the whole situation. What an a**hole. Instead of help a little child or don't let me see my father like this he was just standing... I bet he was drunk too. But where was my mother? Pff, God knows. She was only into partying and didn't care about me.

I can also remember that the next day she came back and watched the video with her friends and she was laughing that I've tried to help my dad. Her friends were just looking at me with compassion but they knew that they can't do anything. And if someone told her to stop laughing she was like "get the f**k out!!!".

This is my 1st memory from my childhood. It's not physically violent at all but my 1st reminiscence should be having fun in the amusement park or my first animal. Just like the other children "normal" memories.

Anyway, it's pretty soft comparing to my other adventures with drunk people. See you soon.

My immediate family tree and short desciptions.

OK, so here we go. It's complicated, isn't it?

From the left:

Grandfather - loves vodka and being lazy. Used to work as a welder. Dad says that he was very violent when his sons were young and used to beat them (but not his wife, only children). He's working as a security man now and goes to work drunk everyday.

Grandmother - the only one person who I really love and respect. She teached me how to live my life but she doesn't know how my childhood has looked like. I couldn't tell her, because I don't want to worry her. Since 3 weeks she's lying in the hospital and having a chemotherapy, that's the reason I'm totally broken.

3 brothers - actually only one of them lives with me now, so I won't describe the others. He loves vodka just like his father. He drinks everyday since almost 30 years - a few months ago he was diagnosed with a cancer. I know he loves me but when he's drunk he becomes aggressive. No wife, no children.

Father - the one who has let me down me the most. In the 90's he used to be a kickboxer, he was fighting with the most popular sportsmen and was really good. In 1993 he took first place in kickboxing championship. His success motivated me to start martial arts and I was as good as my dad. Won a lot of prizes and 1st places. Til approx. 2008 he was the calmest person I've ever met, then something changed... guess what? Of course! He has had started to drink a vodka. When he started drinking, I gave up martial arts.

People which I've mentioned above (except 2 brothers of my father) are my roommates since 2008.
People below were my roommates til 2008.

RIP Grandfather - he died in 2000 but I can remember something about him. Don't worry, it's nothing nice. I only can remember that he was drunk almost everyday but not aggressive. He woke up, went drinking and came back sleep, so I didn't talk much with him. He always had his camera so I have a lot of pics and videos when I was like 0-7 years old.

RIP Grandmother - I don't know nothing about her, she died before I was born.

Mother - oh my God... if you think you met someone evil in your life, you're wrong. This is the worst person on this planet. She beat me, tried to kill me, abused me, she could destroy my all CD's which I was collecting, my clothes and everything I used to owe. That's the reason I escaped from her flat to my grandmother's home. Anything I do, she screams and becomes aggressive. When I was young she blamed me that I was born, so that's why she treated me like a piece of s**t (that's what she told me). Anyway, I'll write about it later. Ahhh, I forgot - of course she loves drinking and partying.

Partner - when my parents divorced, a couple of years later she got pregnant with this guy. He comes from a village and works as a security man. To be honest - I don't like him. Not because I'm jealous or something but just because I'm full of empathy and even when my mother comes straight from hell I can't stand when he's bullying her and their child.

Brother - a child of my mother and her partner. He is mentally ill (ADHD, Asperger Syndrome) but I love him. Actually he acts like a normal child, which sometimes becomes a little devil.

So you already know that I'm an ACOA. Now imagine that I live with 3 guys and every guy drinks everyday. I must clean up house, cook and pay bills. And I'm 20 years old...

It's not all, I used to live mostly with a boyfriend for almost 2 years (10.2012-08.2014, with some short breaks) but I'll write about it later.